Tips for Successful Co-parenting
Divorce or separation can be a challenging process. However, the most challenging part might actually be afterwards - when the challenge of co-parenting begins. Co-parenting, or the sharing of parental duties between divorced or unmarried parents, can be especially difficult when each parent has a different style of parenting or when the parents struggle to communicate. Co-parenting might also cause heightened feelings of fear, anxiety and stress to surface. For example, you might begin to worry a bit more when you share custody of the children with the other parent and your kids aren’t always under your roof at night.
While the struggles of co-parenting might seem like impossible hurdles to overcome, divorce attorneys will advise that successful co-parenting is more than just do-able as long as both parents are willing to sacrifice for the best interests of their children. Here are some tips for successful co-parenting:
Communicate and Share Parenting Strategies. It’s quite common for each parent to have his/her own style of parenting. As such, co-parenting can be much more successful as far as raising your children if both parents co-operate and communicate regarding their parenting techniques. One example would be to share your methods of implementing rewards and consequences. Although the last thing you might want to do is have a conversation with your ex-spouse, remember that you are looking out for the best interests of your children now and down the road.
Be consistent. It’s quite likely that your children will be experiencing a lot of changes as a result of the divorce or separation. So, it’s important to maintain as much consistency as possible. The best way to do this is to do your best to follow the same schedule and routine as before. Again, communicate with your ex-spouse to the best of your ability so that you are both on the same page as much as possible. For example, it will help the children if they know that their bedtime is at the same time each night, no matter if they are staying the night with mom or dad.
Seek Assistance. Seeking assistance from an outside party such as a mental health professional or counselor may be helpful for everyone involved. These professionals are available for providing techniques for better communication and coping.
Educate Yourself on Child Development. Learning about your children’s developmental stages can help you understand how the divorce will affect them at different stages in their childhood life. There are a lot of resources and information available to help you understand exactly what your children may be going through.

If you are considering in a divorce or separation from your spouse we can provide you with information and guide you through your options. Complex divorce needs quality representation. Don’t settle for less when determining your rights. If you wish to schedule a consultation with Nancy J. Bickford, please contact or call us at (858) 793-8884.

While the struggles of co-parenting might seem like impossible hurdles to overcome, divorce attorneys will advise that successful co-parenting is more than just do-able as long as both parents are willing to sacrifice for the best interests of their children. Here are some tips for successful co-parenting:
Communicate and Share Parenting Strategies. It’s quite common for each parent to have his/her own style of parenting. As such, co-parenting can be much more successful as far as raising your children if both parents co-operate and communicate regarding their parenting techniques. One example would be to share your methods of implementing rewards and consequences. Although the last thing you might want to do is have a conversation with your ex-spouse, remember that you are looking out for the best interests of your children now and down the road.
Be consistent. It’s quite likely that your children will be experiencing a lot of changes as a result of the divorce or separation. So, it’s important to maintain as much consistency as possible. The best way to do this is to do your best to follow the same schedule and routine as before. Again, communicate with your ex-spouse to the best of your ability so that you are both on the same page as much as possible. For example, it will help the children if they know that their bedtime is at the same time each night, no matter if they are staying the night with mom or dad.
Seek Assistance. Seeking assistance from an outside party such as a mental health professional or counselor may be helpful for everyone involved. These professionals are available for providing techniques for better communication and coping.
Educate Yourself on Child Development. Learning about your children’s developmental stages can help you understand how the divorce will affect them at different stages in their childhood life. There are a lot of resources and information available to help you understand exactly what your children may be going through.

If you are considering in a divorce or separation from your spouse we can provide you with information and guide you through your options. Complex divorce needs quality representation. Don’t settle for less when determining your rights. If you wish to schedule a consultation with Nancy J. Bickford, please contact or call us at (858) 793-8884.